CleanerTouch Inc.

Servicing the Greater Toronto Area Janitorial Services, Office Cleaning Services and Commercial Cleaning Services
(905) 760-0051

Green Cleaning Program

In all service contracts; there are standard practices put into place for a healthier and more environmentally friendly work environment. These include our choice of chemicals, the use of paper products and plastic bags with a high degree of recycled content, the use of more efficient equipment and the ability to increase the efficiency of waste management programs. The table below lists portions of our program with brief descriptions following.




Cleaning product use

Restroom Care


Floor Care Products

Touch point initiatives

Hard Floor Care equipment

Paper and Plastic Liners

Use & Care of Microfiber towels

Carpet Extraction Equipment & Products

Microfibre Towels

New Cleaning Products

Floor Matting

Exterior Maintenance Products


Cleaning Product Use

Through partnerships with our valuable vendors, CleanerTouch uses five standard chemicals that take into consideration a healthier workplace including:

  • Green Seal and/or Environmental Choice approved Non-Ammoniated Glance Glass Cleaner
  • Stride Citrus Floor Cleaner
  • Aquaria Floor Finish
  • Freedom SC Floor Stripper
  • DIN and EPA approved Virox Disinfectant

All of these products can assist our clients in satisfying their needs for a healthier work environment and comprise approximately 80% of the cleaning products that our organization employs.

Cleaning Chemical Portion Control

We enhance our daily use of cleaning products through a ready to dispense (RTD) system that allows for maximum efficiency when distributing chemicals. Portion control can reduce consumption by 30% to 65% compared to non-portion controlled dispensing methods. Packaging is minimized and water is conserved in both the manufacturing process and usage of product.

Floor Scrubber Chemical Portion Control

Equipment partnership with Tennant allows CleanerTouch to deliver environmental stewardship of floor scrubber chemicals with FaST® soaps – 70% less water in/out than traditional chemical mixtures, 90% less chemical usage, no touch dilution and mixing and less chemical residual on floor improving both air quality and slip and fall liability.

CleanerTouch uses environmentally preferable floor finishes that require less frequent stripping, reapplication and a lesser amount of product to produce desired results. Only products that meet the most stringent environmental guidelines are used.

For every 2,500 cases of Ecologo certified paper supplies used:

  • 500 trees are preserved
  • 3,000lbs of landfill are protected
  • 300,000 gallons of water saved

Paper & Plastic Liners

CleanerTouch recommends the use of post consumer recycled content in paper products and plastic liners. In conjunction with our partner suppliers, CleanerTouch provides audits and make suggestions regarding paper and plastic needs.

CleanerTouch also recommends the use of fully certified chlorine-free bleached pulp combined with recycled fiber such as Cascades’ North River brand of products. These paper hand towels and bathroom tissues are Ecologo certified through the Government of Canada’s environmental choice program.

Microfibre Towels

One of the more efficient ways of cleaning includes the use of microfibre products. A successful microfibre cleaning program must employ on-site laundering facilities. Customers must be willing and able to provide sufficient space and utilities for CleanerTouch to install a high efficiency washer and dryer.

New Cleaning Products

CleanerTouch continually seeks new cleaning products that provide a healthier work environment and have minimal environmental impact. We introduce these products to our customers and test them for efficacy on site, prior to making wholesale changes. Products include:

  • Hydrogen peroxide based products
  • Citrus based products
  • Bio technological cleaning agents & enzyme based products

Floor Matting

Matting is the first opportunity to trap dirt and dust particles, preventing them from entering your location. CleanerTouch provides a variety of matting options as a part of our comprehensive service program. In addition to environmental benefits, appropriate matting programs help create safer workplaces.

Environmental benefits or purchased matting (compared to rental mats) include:

  • Reduced transportation (diesel fuel engines power most delivery trucks)
  • Reduced washing & treating mats (chemical agents, increased waste water)

Exterior Maintenance Products

CleanerTouch uses snow and ice removal compounds that do not include sodium chloride. We currently recommend Proven Ice Melt, a potassium chloride based product. We also use pressure-washing chemicals that are manufactured with environmentally preferable components or simply use water.


Restroom Care

Our cleaning expectation is for “show quality” in all restroom facilities. Equipment is colour coded to prevent cross contamination, daily schedules are established to maintain quality and employees are trained and monitored to ensure compliance with our standards.

Touch point initiatives

CleanerTouch provides Virox 5 Surface Cleaner and Disinfectant a broad spectrum-sanitizing wipe to further prevent cross contamination within sites.

Use & Care of Microfibre Towels

CleanerTouch uses Microfibre Towels in our existing cleaning systems and procedures. These towels are very effective cleaning tools that have several advantages over regular cleaning towels/rags.

Traditional Towels

Microfibre Towels

. Spread out much of the dirt and bacteria that they come into contact with, absorbing as little as 30%

.Use static electricity when dry & capillary action when wet to absorb dirt & bacteria
· Absorb as much as 99% on a given surface
· Help prevent spreading of viruses & bacteria (i.e. SARS)

. Require machine washing using detergent, bleaches or fabric softeners

. Reduce the use of and need for, cleaning chemicals
· Engineered to handle most daily cleaning tasks using only water
· Release a high percentage of the dirt absorbed by rinsing them in warm water - saves use of bleaches & softeners towels

. Single colour choice - difficult to tell its prior use

.Available in four different colours for use in different tasks
· Our staff avoids cross contamination using towels for specific functions

. Considered “disposable”, short lifespan

.Effective lifespan of 2 years

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